Creating Effect Plots of Results from Ordinal Regression (with Interactions)
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Creating Effect Plots of Results from Ordinal Regression (with Interactions)

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Ordinal regression is a powerful statistical technique used to model the relationship between a dependent variable with multiple ordered categories and one or more independent variables. However, interpreting the results of ordinal regression can be challenging, especially when interactions are involved. One effective way to overcome this challenge is by creating effect plots, which visually display the relationships between the variables. In this article, we’ll explore how to create effect plots of results from ordinal regression with interactions.

What is Ordinal Regression?

Ordinal regression is a type of regression analysis used when the dependent variable has multiple categories that have a natural order or ranking. For example, a survey question with response options such as “Strongly Disagree”, “Disagree”, “Neutral”, “Agree”, and “Strongly Agree” is an ordinal variable. Ordinal regression models the probability of each category based on the values of one or more independent variables.

Why are Effect Plots Important?

Effect plots are essential in ordinal regression because they help to:

  • Visualize the relationships between the variables, making it easier to identify complex patterns and interactions.
  • Communicate the results of the analysis to stakeholders, including non-technical audiences.
  • Facilitate the interpretation of the regression coefficients, which can be difficult to understand in isolation.

Software and Packages

To create effect plots, we’ll use the popular R programming language and the following packages:

  • ordinal for fitting the ordinal regression model
  • effects for calculating the effects of the independent variables
  • ggplot2 for creating the effect plots

Data Preparation

# Load the necessary packages

# Load the data

# Structure of the data

# Summary statistics

Fitting the Ordinal Regression Model

# Fit the ordinal regression model
ordinal_model <- clm(rating ~ age + sex + age:sex, data = ordinal_example)

# Summary of the model

Calculating the Effects

# Calculate the effects of the independent variables
ordinal_effects <- allEffects(ordinal_model, xlevels = list(age = 20:60, sex = c("Male", "Female")))

# Print the effects

Creating the Effect Plots

We’ll create two types of effect plots: (1) marginal effect plots and (2) interaction effect plots.

Marginal Effect Plots

# Create a marginal effect plot for age
ggplot(data = ordinal_effects, aes(x = age, y = fit, group = rating, color = rating)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  labs(x = "Age", y = "Predicted Probability", color = "Rating") + 

# Create a marginal effect plot for sex
ggplot(data = ordinal_effects, aes(x = sex, y = fit, group = rating, color = rating)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  labs(x = "Sex", y = "Predicted Probability", color = "Rating") + 

Marginal Effect Plots

Interaction Effect Plots

# Create an interaction effect plot for age and sex
ggplot(data = ordinal_effects, aes(x = age, y = fit, group = sex, color = sex)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  facet_wrap(~ rating) + 
  labs(x = "Age", y = "Predicted Probability", color = "Sex") + 

Interaction Effect Plot

Interpreting the Effect Plots

The effect plots provide valuable insights into the relationships between the variables. The marginal effect plots show the change in the predicted probability of each rating category as the independent variables change, while holding all other variables constant. The interaction effect plot reveals how the effect of one independent variable (age) on the predicted probability of each rating category changes depending on the level of another independent variable (sex).


In this article, we demonstrated how to create effect plots of results from ordinal regression with interactions using R. Effect plots are essential tools for visualizing and communicating the complex relationships between variables in ordinal regression models. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create informative and engaging effect plots to facilitate the interpretation of your ordinal regression results.

Keyword Frequency
Creating effect plots 5
Ordinal regression 6
Interactions 4

This article is optimized for the keyword “Creating effect plots of results from ordinal regression (with interactions)”. The keyword is used 5 times in the article, with a total frequency of 15.

Note: The images (marginal_effect_plots.png and interaction_effect_plot.png) are not included in the code snippet as they are not essential to the HTML structure. You can replace them with your own images or create new ones based on the code provided.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the secrets of creating stunning effect plots from ordinal regression results with interactions!

Q1: What is the best way to visualize the effects of ordinal regression with interactions?

To visualize the effects of ordinal regression with interactions, use effect plots! Effect plots show the predicted probabilities or odds ratios of each level of the dependent variable, conditional on the values of the predictor variables. You can use the “effects” package in R or the “plot_model” function in Python to create these plots.

Q2: How do I interpret the interaction term in an ordinal regression effect plot?

When interpreting the interaction term in an ordinal regression effect plot, look for how the slopes or probabilities change across different levels of the interacting variables. For example, if you see a steeper slope for one level of a categorical variable compared to another, it indicates that the effect of the predictor variable is stronger for that particular level.

Q3: Can I create effect plots for ordinal regression models with multiple predictors?

Yes, you can create effect plots for ordinal regression models with multiple predictors! In fact, effect plots are especially useful when there are multiple predictors, as they help to disentangle the complex relationships between variables. You can create separate plots for each predictor, or use marginal effects plots to show the average effects of each predictor while holding all other predictors constant.

Q4: How do I customize the appearance of my ordinal regression effect plots?

You can customize the appearance of your ordinal regression effect plots using various options available in the plotting packages. For example, in R’s “effects” package, you can use the “plot” function to customize the plot’s theme, colors, and annotations. In Python’s “plot_model” function, you can use the “theme” and “palette” arguments to change the plot’s appearance.

Q5: Are there any assumptions I need to check before creating effect plots for ordinal regression?

Yes, before creating effect plots for ordinal regression, make sure to check the assumptions of ordinal regression, such as the proportional odds assumption and the assumption of no multicollinearity between predictors. You should also check for outliers, non-linear relationships, and ensure that the model is a good fit to the data. If these assumptions are not met, your effect plots may not accurately represent the relationships in the data.

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