In p5.js, How to Change Scaling but Keep Text Size in Pixel: A Comprehensive Guide
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In p5.js, How to Change Scaling but Keep Text Size in Pixel: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky scaling issues in your p5.js projects? Do you want to maintain a consistent text size in pixels while still being able to scale your canvas to fit different screen sizes? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of p5.js and explore the various techniques to change scaling while keeping text size in pixel.

Understanding the Problem

When you create a p5.js project, the default behavior is to scale the entire canvas, including text, to fit the screen size. While this is convenient for some cases, it can be problematic when you need to maintain a specific text size in pixels.

For instance, imagine you’re creating a game where the score is displayed in a specific font size. If the canvas is scaled, the text size will also change, which can affect the overall user experience. So, how can we tackle this issue?

Method 1: Using the `createCanvas()` Function with the `width` and `height` Parameters

The simplest way to maintain a consistent text size is by specifying the `width` and `height` parameters in the `createCanvas()` function. This method ensures that your canvas remains the same size, regardless of the screen resolution.

function setup() {
  createCanvas(800, 600); // Create a canvas with a fixed width and height
  textSize(24); // Set the text size to 24 pixels
  text("Hello, World!", 100, 100);

In the above example, we’ve created a canvas with a fixed width of 800 pixels and a height of 600 pixels. We’ve also set the text size to 24 pixels using the `textSize()` function. Since the canvas size is fixed, the text size will remain consistent, even if the screen resolution changes.

Method 2: Using the `scale()` Function with the `width` and `height` Parameters

Another approach is to use the `scale()` function to scale the canvas, while maintaining the text size in pixels. This method allows you to scale the canvas to fit different screen sizes, while keeping the text size consistent.

function setup() {
  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); // Create a canvas that fills the entire screen
  textSize(24); // Set the text size to 24 pixels
  scale(0.5); // Scale the canvas to 50%
  text("Hello, World!", 100, 100);

In this example, we’ve created a canvas that fills the entire screen using the `windowWidth` and `windowHeight` variables. We’ve then set the text size to 24 pixels and scaled the canvas to 50% using the `scale()` function. Although the canvas is scaled, the text size remains consistent.

Method 3: Using the `textSize()` Function with the `width` and `height` Parameters

A third approach is to use the `textSize()` function in conjunction with the `width` and `height` parameters to maintain a consistent text size. This method allows you to specify the text size in pixels, while still scaling the canvas to fit different screen sizes.

function setup() {
  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); // Create a canvas that fills the entire screen
  textSize(width / 40); // Set the text size based on the canvas width
  text("Hello, World!", 100, 100);

In this example, we’ve created a canvas that fills the entire screen using the `windowWidth` and `windowHeight` variables. We’ve then set the text size based on the canvas width using the `textSize()` function. Although the canvas is scaled, the text size remains consistent in pixels.

Method 4: Using a Vector Font Library

A fourth approach is to use a vector font library, such as OpenType.js, to maintain a consistent text size in pixels. This method allows you to specify the text size in pixels, while still scaling the canvas to fit different screen sizes.

let font;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); // Create a canvas that fills the entire screen
  font = loadFont('opensans.ttf'); // Load the Open Sans font
  textSize(24); // Set the text size to 24 pixels
  text("Hello, World!", 100, 100);

In this example, we’ve loaded the Open Sans font using the `loadFont()` function and set the text font using the `textFont()` function. We’ve then set the text size to 24 pixels using the `textSize()` function. Although the canvas is scaled, the text size remains consistent in pixels.


There you have it – four methods to change scaling but keep text size in pixel in p5.js. Whether you’re creating a game, interactive art piece, or data visualization, maintaining a consistent text size is crucial for a good user experience. By using one of these methods, you can ensure that your text remains legible and consistent, even when scaling your canvas to fit different screen sizes.

Method Description
Method 1: Using the `createCanvas()` Function with the `width` and `height` Parameters Use the `createCanvas()` function with fixed `width` and `height` parameters to maintain a consistent text size.
Method 2: Using the `scale()` Function with the `width` and `height` Parameters Use the `scale()` function to scale the canvas, while maintaining the text size in pixels.
Method 3: Using the `textSize()` Function with the `width` and `height` Parameters Use the `textSize()` function to set the text size based on the canvas width and height.
Method 4: Using a Vector Font Library Use a vector font library, such as OpenType.js, to maintain a consistent text size in pixels.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: Why do I need to use a fixed canvas size?

    A: Using a fixed canvas size ensures that your text size remains consistent, even when scaling the canvas. This is especially important when creating games or interactive art pieces that require precise pixel control.

  2. Q: Can I use the `scale()` function to scale text?

    A: Yes, you can use the `scale()` function to scale text, but this will affect the entire canvas, including other elements. It’s generally better to use one of the methods outlined above to maintain a consistent text size.

  3. Q: How do I choose the right font size for my project?

    A: The right font size depends on the context and purpose of your project. Generally, it’s a good idea to choose a font size that’s legible and easy to read, taking into account the screen resolution and target audience.

By following these methods and tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating p5.js projects with consistent text sizes that scale beautifully across different screen sizes. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of scaling in p5.js! Here are some burning questions answered to help you navigate the world of canvas scaling while keeping your text size in pixels.

How do I change the scaling of my p5.js canvas without affecting the text size?

To change the scaling of your p5.js canvas without affecting the text size, you can use the `scale()` function along with the `textSize()` function. Simply set the `textSize()` to the desired size in pixels before applying the `scale()` function. For example: `textSize(24); scale(2);` will scale the entire canvas by a factor of 2, but keep the text size at 24 pixels.

What if I want to scale only a specific part of the canvas, not the entire thing?

No problem! You can use the `push()` and `pop()` functions to isolate the scaling to a specific section of the canvas. For example: `push(); scale(2); text(“Hello, World!”, 100, 100); pop();` will scale only the text “Hello, World!” and its surrounding area by a factor of 2, while leaving the rest of the canvas unaffected.

Can I use CSS units (like px, em, or rem) to set the text size, or do I have to use pixels?

In p5.js, you can only set the text size using pixels. CSS units like px, em, or rem are not supported. However, you can use a workaround by calculating the equivalent pixel value based on the canvas’s pixel density and the desired CSS unit size.

What if I’m using a font with a varying line height? How do I ensure consistent scaling?

When working with fonts that have varying line heights, it’s essential to set the `textLeading()` property to the desired line height in pixels. This will ensure that the text scales correctly, even when the font size changes. For example: `textSize(24); textLeading(28);` sets the font size to 24 pixels and the line height to 28 pixels.

Are there any performance implications when scaling the canvas or text in p5.js?

Yes, scaling the canvas or text can impact performance, especially when working with complex graphics or large datasets. To minimize performance implications, consider using caching, reducing the number of scaling operations, or optimizing your graphics rendering.