Getting Statistics on a Temp Table in SQL Server: A Comprehensive Guide
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Getting Statistics on a Temp Table in SQL Server: A Comprehensive Guide

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Working with temporary tables in SQL Server can be a breeze, but when it comes to getting statistics on them, things can get a bit tricky. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of temp tables and statistics, exploring the reasons why you need them, how to create them, and most importantly, how to get those coveted statistics.

Why Do You Need Statistics on a Temp Table?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about why getting statistics on a temp table is crucial. Temporary tables are created in the tempdb database and are used to store intermediate results during complex queries. Since temp tables are created dynamically, the database engine doesn’t have enough information to create accurate statistics.

Without accurate statistics, the query optimizer may not generate the most efficient execution plan, leading to poor performance and slower query times. This is where getting statistics on a temp table comes in – it helps the query optimizer make better decisions, resulting in faster and more efficient queries.

Creating a Temp Table in SQL Server

Before we get to the statistics, let’s create a temp table to work with. Here’s a simple example:

    ID INT,
    Name VARCHAR(50),
    Age INT

INSERT INTO #temp (ID, Name, Age)
    (1, 'John Doe', 25),
    (2, 'Jane Smith', 30),
    (3, 'Bob Johnson', 35);

This creates a temp table named `#temp` with three columns: `ID`, `Name`, and `Age`. We’ve also inserted three rows of sample data.

Getting Statistics on a Temp Table

Now that we have our temp table, let’s get to the good stuff – getting statistics! There are a few ways to do this, and we’ll cover each method in detail.

Method 1: Using the `UPDATE STATISTICS` Command

The `UPDATE STATISTICS` command is used to update the statistics for a specific table or index. To update the statistics for our temp table, use the following command:


This command updates the statistics for the entire temp table. If you want to update statistics for a specific column or index, you can specify it like this:


This updates the statistics for the `Age` column only.

Method 2: Using the `CREATE STATISTICS` Command

The `CREATE STATISTICS` command creates new statistics for a specific column or set of columns. To create statistics for our temp table, use the following command:

CREATE STATISTICS stats_Age ON #temp (Age);

This creates new statistics for the `Age` column. You can also create statistics for multiple columns like this:

CREATE STATISTICS stats_Multi ON #temp (Age, Name);

This creates new statistics for both the `Age` and `Name` columns.

Method 3: Using the `STATISTICS IO` and `STATISTICS TIME` Commands

The `STATISTICS IO` and `STATISTICS TIME` commands provide detailed information about the input/output operations and execution time for a query. While not directly related to getting statistics on a temp table, these commands can help you identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your queries.


SELECT * FROM #temp;


This sets the `STATISTICS IO` and `STATISTICS TIME` commands to ON, runs the query, and then sets them back to OFF. The results will provide detailed information about the input/output operations and execution time for the query.

Viewing Statistics Information

Once you’ve updated or created statistics for your temp table, you can view the statistics information using the following commands:

Using the `STATISTICS_INFO` Function

SELECT * FROM sys.stats WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp');

This query retrieves the statistics information for our temp table using the `sys.stats` system view and the `OBJECT_ID` function.

Using the `DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS` Command

DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS ('#temp', 'stats_Age');

This command shows the statistics information for the `stats_Age` statistics object, which we created earlier.

Best Practices for Working with Temp Tables and Statistics

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when working with temp tables and statistics:

  • Use meaningful names for your temp tables and statistics: This makes it easier to identify and manage your temp tables and statistics.
  • Update statistics regularly: As your data changes, your statistics may become outdated. Regularly updating your statistics ensures the query optimizer has the most accurate information.
  • Use the `CREATE STATISTICS` command instead of `UPDATE STATISTICS` for new tables: When creating a new temp table, use the `CREATE STATISTICS` command to create new statistics instead of updating existing ones.
  • Monitor your query performance: Keep an eye on your query performance and adjust your statistics and indexing accordingly.
  • Test and optimize your queries: Always test and optimize your queries to ensure they’re running efficiently and effectively.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the importance of getting statistics on a temp table in SQL Server, how to create a temp table, and the various methods for getting statistics. We’ve also discussed best practices for working with temp tables and statistics. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your queries and improving performance.

Method Description
UPDATE STATISTICS Updates the statistics for a specific table or index
CREATE STATISTICS Creates new statistics for a specific column or set of columns
STATISTICS IO and STATISTICS TIME Provides detailed information about input/output operations and execution time for a query

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to get statistics on a temp table in SQL Server? Look no further! Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about getting statistics on a temp table in SQL Server.

How do I create statistics on a temp table in SQL Server?

You can create statistics on a temp table in SQL Server using the CREATE STATISTICS command. For example: CREATE STATISTICS stats_temp_table ON #temp_table (column_name);

Why do I need to create statistics on a temp table?

Creating statistics on a temp table helps the query optimizer to make better decisions about how to execute queries, which can improve performance and reduce execution time. Without statistics, the optimizer may make suboptimal decisions, leading to slower query performance.

How do I update statistics on a temp table in SQL Server?

You can update statistics on a temp table in SQL Server using the UPDATE STATISTICS command. For example: UPDATE STATISTICS #temp_table SETStatisticsColumn= column_name WITH FULLSCAN;

Can I create statistics on multiple columns of a temp table?

Yes, you can create statistics on multiple columns of a temp table using the CREATE STATISTICS command with multiple column names separated by commas. For example: CREATE STATISTICS stats_temp_table ON #temp_table (column1, column2, column3);

Do statistics on a temp table persist across reboots?

No, statistics on a temp table do not persist across reboots. When the server is restarted, the temp table and its statistics are lost. You will need to recreate the statistics after each reboot.